Five Good Emperors

The era of the emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pious, and Marcus Aurelius (with Lucius Verus as his co-emperor for 10 years) spans the years 96-180 CE and represents, to many historians, the peak of Roman power and prestige. Roman civilization never knew the level of peace and prosperity it did during the second century. Whether or not this is true is still debatable. The emperors of this period are known for adopting their heirs, to choose the best candidate for emperor, not just whomever happened to be their firstborn son. Marcus Aurelius broke with this new tradition by naming his son Commodus to be the next emperor, which many see as the start of Rome’s long decline.

Amateur classicist and photographer living in lovely Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. I love history, maps, film, travel, hiking, and photography. Maaaaybe some video games too.