
One of the most celebrated figures in military history, Hannibal Barca was the main commander of the armies of Carthage in the Second Punic War. Famously crossing the Alps with his elephants and army (though less famously losing half his army and all but one elephant during the crossing) he eventually gave Rome it’s worst-ever defeat at the Battle of Cannae in Southern Italy. He was never able to take Rome, and was eventually defeated by the general Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Zama. Later, he was exiled from Carthage. He lived a life as a general for hire for various powers in the Eastern Mediterranean before being betrayed to the Romans by the king of Bithynia and so committed suicide to evade capture.

Amateur classicist and photographer living in lovely Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. I love history, maps, film, travel, hiking, and photography. Maaaaybe some video games too.